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Acts 2:42-47 - In Our Midst

  1. There are four spiritual disciplines we see in Acts 2:42-47, each with inward and outward dimensions:

    • Scripture Intake

    • Community (ie, Generosity)

    • Evangelism (ie, Hospitality)

    • Prayer

    What role do these disciplines play in your walk with Christ? Are you practicing these by yourself? With your family? With your neighbors?

  2. The early church recognized that salvation was a gift from God to the church. How do you make sense of God’s role in saving lives and your role in the partnership? What advantage does a strong church home give to gospel witness? Can a “good church” become a disadvantage? How?

  3. In his book, Center Church, Tim Keller writes, “Because of the forward-back, kingdom/restoration aspect [of the biblical gospel], the church will place great emphasis on seeking the welfare of the city, neighborhood and civic involvement, cultural engagement, and training people to work in “secular” vocations out of a Christian worldview.” (pp. 47-48) In this sentence, Keller provides some practical ways to imitate Christ’s resurrection in our day to day lives. What in your own life does this list bring to mind for you? Are there other ways to apply the resurrection in our daily lives? What about applying the life and death of Christ (ie, incarnation, atonement)?