Luke 10 - Won't You Be My Neighbor?

For our final week on Cruciform Unity, Pastor Ed Haywood (Tabernacle Church of Norfolk) was our guest preacher, speaking to us from Luke 10, the parable of the Good Samaritan.

  1. Read Luke 10:25-37, and compare it with 1 Corinthians chapters 1-4. How do the actions of the Samaritan illustrate the teaching we’ve covered over the last month?

  2. Pastor Haywood said, “Encountering Jesus changes who my neighbor is.” In your own life, who would have been considered an enemy before Christ called you (think about your family upbringing, etc.)? How has your calling changed who your neighbor is?

  3. Pastor Haywood told the story of saying to a police officer, “Blue lives matter to me.” Why might that be difficult for an African American leader to say publicly? What kind of cultural baggage might be tied to a statement like that in the black community?

  4. Pastor Haywood also challenged white evangelicals to be willing to say to their black brothers and sisters, “Black lives matter to me.” Similar to the previous question, what kind of cultural baggage might be tied to a statement like that makes it hard for some people to say? When is it worth being misunderstood/mislabeled in order to cross cultural boundary lines in Jesus’ name? When is it not?

  5. This is the last week before the elections. Download the sample ballot and pray by name for each of the candidates. Pray also for the humility, repentance, righteousness and courageous faith of the church. End with a time of worship and thanksgiving to our sovereign, faithful Servant King Jesus.

Robb EsperatComment