Hebrews 1:7-9 Divine Joy

  1. Take a moment to silently recall one of your most joyful memories, and also one of the most painful. Which came to mind more quickly? Which memory is more vivid? Why might that be?

  2. Read Hebrews 1:7-9. In your own words, explain the comparison being made between angels and the Son. Who is speaking in v8? Who is being addressed? What part does the dialog play in the comparison being made?

  3. In v9, what are we told about this special anointing? How is the oil described? Why is the ceremony being performed? Compare this verse with Hebrews 12:2. What similarities can you find?

  4. The ‘companions’ of v9 are believers who participate in Christ’s saving work by faith (Heb 3:1). In what way do believers participate in the joy of Jesus?

  5. When hard times come, what practical steps can we take to resist the temptation to despair and instead press into the joy of God?

  6. Sing a Christmas carol together to celebrate God’s joy (Joy To The World, etc.).

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