John 3 - You Must Be Born Again

  1. One of VBCC’s Core Values is Transforming Lives. Think of an example of life transformation in your life or someone you know. How did it happen? What were the key ingredients needed for transformation to occur?

  2. Read John 3:1-9. What do we learn about Nicodemus in the opening verses? Why do you think he came to Jesus at night (see vv 19-20)?

  3. How many times does Jesus talk about birth in these verses? What does he mean by the phrase ‘born again’? How does Jesus’ use compare/contrast with the modern use of the phrase ‘born again’?

  4. Compare Nicodemus’ religious tradition (Pharisee) with Jesus’ notion of being born again. Why was this difficult for Nicodemus to grasp? (If you need help understanding the perspective of Nicodemus, read the memoir of another Pharisee in Philippians 3:4-6.) What does being born again have to do with Transforming Lives?

  5. In his sermon, Robb related John 3:5 to Ezekiel 36:25-28, and 37:1-10. These prophetic passages tell of the coming day of the Lord, when he restores his people. What are the hallmarks of this restoration, according to the Ezekiel passages? How does Jesus’ ministry fulfill them?

  6. Where are you in your own spiritual journey? To stretch the birth metaphor, which statement below most accurately describes where you are? Explain.

    • Not yet conceived?

    • Developing, but not so anyone could tell?

    • Heavy with child and waiting for birth?

    • Kicking and screaming like a newborn infant?

    • Growing and maturing in new life?

*Some questions derived from the Serendipity Study Bible

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