1. What is your favorite Christmas song? Share with one another in your group. Are any songs named by multiple people? What do our songs tell us about what we celebrate and treasure most in life?

  2. Read Luke 2:36-38. What do we learn about Anna in these few verses? In what ways is she similar to the other women in Luke’s story (Mary & Elizabeth)? In what ways is she different?

  3. Describe Anna’s posture toward God in v37. What are some unhealthy ways people often react to difficult circumstances? Why is Anna’s posture a positive example for us?

  4. This Sunday, Robb said, “Surrender leads to seeing Jesus.” How did Anna’s posture of faith and surrender prepare the way for her to encounter Jesus? Obviously, we don’t see Jesus the same way she did. How does surrender lead to deeper intimacy with Jesus for believers today?

  5. “Seeing Jesus leads to joy.” Read Psalms 16:11 and 63:3, Philippians 3:8, and Matthew 13:44. Do you believe Christians can experience joy even in the midst of sadness and trials? How does that work? What has been your own experience?

  6. Read Luke 2:38 again. Why does Anna “speak of him to all”? What is the relationship between seeing Jesus and sharing him with others? What specific things can you do to practice surrendering, seeing, and sharing Jesus this week?

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