Matthew 6:11 - Our daily bread

  1. Recall a time when you had a need you couldn’t meet on your own. In your experience, was it a crisis? How did it make you feel?

  2. Read Matthew 6:11. In the sermon today, Robb said the bread represents all of our normal needs as human beings. What needs are you most inclined to bring to God in prayer? What needs are you inclined to just address without prayer?

  3. Read Exodus 16:2-4. “Daily bread” alludes to the manna God provided daily to the Israelites in the wilderness. What do we learn from the Israelites in this passage about the nature and challenges of daily dependence?

  4. In their need, the Israelites accuse God and longingly remember their Egyptian slavedrivers as deliverers. How do these bad responses to neediness corelate to our modern experience? How do we appropriately grapple with our neediness while avoiding these pitfalls?

  5. Read Luke 4:3 and 23:35-39. What is the refrain that is repeated by the religious leaders (v35), the soldiers (v37) and even the criminals (v39)? How does it relate to Satan’s temptation in the wilderness? What does this temptation look like practically in your own life? How did Jesus respond (see 1 Peter 2:23)?

  6. How does Jesus help us in our need? What can we thank him for today? Spend some time worshipping and thanking Jesus together as a group in prayer.

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