1. Briefly share your experience with the Lord’s Prayer. When do you remember first saying it? Was it ‘mindless recitation’ or something more? How has your relationship with this prayer changed over time (if it has)?

  2. Read Matthew 6:5-9. How many times is God called ‘Father’ in these verses? What specific truths do we learn hear about God as Father? Why do you think Jesus stresses the fatherhood of God so much in his teaching?

  3. Read Matthew 6:9-13. In the sermon today, Robb encouraged us to see the Lord’s Prayer as ‘an introduction to our heavenly Father.’ Which truth about God as Father stands out to you most in this season of life, and why?

  4. Read Galations 4:4-7. How is the Fatherhood of God & our sonship mediated by the cross of Jesus?

  5. Read the list of contrasts below. Which items from the ‘orphan’ side of the list do you most often struggle with? Share with one another and pray for each other to live daily in light of our Father’s love for us. Remember, struggling with these things does not mean that you are unsaved or should entertain guilt and shame. These are simply evidences of the fact that living as sons and daughters can be difficult.

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