1 Corinthians 9:1-19 - Am I Not Free?

  1. Dr John M Perkins said, “Whoever controls your values controls you.” Who controls values in our society? In the Christian community? In your family or personal life? Share an example of how values affect actions.

  2. Read 1 Cor 9:1-12. What ‘rights’ does Paul assert he has? What justifications does he cite?

  3. What reason does he offer for foregoing these rights in vv12, 15?

  4. Read 1 Cor 9:18-19. In your own words, explain Paul’s motive for preaching “free of charge.” How does Paul’s motivation and use of Christian freedom compare with those with ‘knowledge’ in 1 Cor 8?

  5. Paul’s excursus in chpt 9 is meant to be an example to the church. How can his example, and the example of Dr Perkins, be followed in our context? Answer the question, “Where is God leading me to freely make myself a servant for the sake of the Gospel?”

Robb EsperatComment