1 Corinthians 8 - Cruciform Liberty

  1. When you hear people talk about ‘liberty’ or ‘rights’, what do you think of? What are our most basic liberties? What rights are most often threatened, and how?

  2. Read 1 Cor 8:1-7. In your own words, explain the controversy involving food sacrificed to idols. If you have children in your group, ask them to explain it back to you. Why do you think idol food was such a controversial subject for the new believers in Corinth?

  3. Robb defined Christian liberty as, “Freedom from the slavery of earning acceptance with God.” What are some common ways people in our culture try to earn acceptance, either with God or with others? What is one way you are tempted to earn, rather than receive the free gift of sonship and acceptance in Christ (Gal 4:7)?

  4. How is liberty in Christ abused in 1 Cor 8? What are some common ways modern Christians might use the freedom we have in Christ to ‘puff up’ ourselves rather than build up others?

  5. How has Jesus used his freedom to serve in love? Spend time recounting Jesus’ free acts of love toward us out loud (read verses, or say recount in your own words). Worshipping Jesus is transformative, helping to conform us to his image, fueling our devotion and obedience.

  6. What specific ways can you exercise your freedom in Christ to serve in love this week? Share your ideas with one another and pray for each other.

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