1. Review the “Gospel in the Air” together as a group. What does each of the 4 plot points mean?

    • Creation

    • Fall

    • Redemption

    • Consummation

  2. What kind of emotional response do you have when conversation turns to eschatology (end times theology)? Do you love it? Do you shy away from it? Why?

  3. Skim Genesis 8-9. In the sermon this morning, Robb mentioned the narrative motion of Creation (Gen 1), De-creation (Gen 7) and Re-creation (Gen 8-9). What echoes from the Genesis 1 creation account do you find in this story? Why does it matter that life continued after the ‘end of the world’ in Genesis 7?

  4. Explore the three images of Jesus’ consummation that were discussed in the sermon this morning. What is the significance of each? Which one is most important to you in this season of you life?

    • HEAVEN & EARTH (Gen 1:1, Rev 21:1)

    • TREE OF LIFE (Gen 3:22, Rev 22:1-3)

    • MARRIAGE (Gen 2:24, Rev 21:2)

  5. Read Matthew 24:37-42. In what ways will Jesus’ second coming be like the days of Noah? According to this passage, what are we to do since we do not know when he is coming? What about Jesus’ instruction is most challenging for you personally? Spend time praying for one another to ‘stay awake’ and faithful to Jesus.

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