Foundations Series Recap - Ephesians 2

  1. Can you think of a story from your own life when a second perspective was helpful for you? Share with the group. Why was the new perspective beneficial?

  2. Read Ephesians 2:1-10. Identify truths in the text that correspond to the four plot points for the Gospel on the Ground (God, Man, Christ, Response). How does this lens help brin our relationship with God into focus?

  3. Read Ephesians 2:11-22. Identify truths in the text that correspond to the four plot points for the Gospel in the Air (Creation, Fall, Redemption, Consummation). How does this 2nd lens help shape our sense of mission?

  4. Examine your own life. Do you have a tendency to view your faith through one of these lenses more than the other? How do these two lenses work together to bring about a fuller sense of Jesus’ person and work?

  5. Dr Robertson McQuilkin, former president of Columbia International University, said, “It is easier to go to a consistent extreme than to stay at the center of biblical tension.” What does it mean to stay at the center of biblical tension? How can we help one another to do it?

  6. How has this series helped you to know Jesus more? Pray for one another, our church family, and our city to know Jesus and see him more clearly!

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