Mark 1:29-45 | Youth on Mission: Adoring Jesus’s Compassionate Heart

  1. How did you see our youth engaged in serving our church family this Sunday morning?

  2. How do you picture God’s compassion? If you were to draw it, what would it look like?

  3. One at a time, read Mark 1:29-34, 35-39, and 40-45. For each section, answer this question: How is Jesus’s compassionate heart on display in these verses?

  4. Read Mark 3:6. The opening of the Gospel of Mark is structured around three cycles, each of which includes (1) Jesus calling his disciples to follow him and (2) increasing levels of opposition to Jesus’s ministry. What does it show us that Jesus served and ministered to others on a road filled with opposition and persecution, ultimately death? What does it mean for us that Jesus called his disciples while he walked that road?

  5. God’s compassion is at the core of God’s mission. How does our church participate in God’s mission? How do our students participate in God’s mission? How do you participate in God’s mission (or how do you want to)?

  6. What circles do we draw to limit the extent of our compassion? How do we decide what opportunities are worth pursuing as part of God’s mission?

  7. Reminder: Our youth are assembling blessing bags on February 25. If you’d like to help, you can bring (1) individually pre-packaged snacks, (2) hand/foot warmers, and (3) mini hand sanitizer/wipes. These items can be dropped off at the church offices or in a box at the back of the sanctuary on February 18.

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