Luke 10:25-37 | Global Outreach Month: Body and Soul

1) Read the Parable of the Good Samaritan.
What are your observations about the Samaritan?
What about the Innkeeper?
What opportunities might you have to be neighborly and show mercy?

2) Christopher Grundmann’s 4 historical motives for sending medical people to the Mission Field:
-Care for bodily needs (the body)
-Use medicine to attract people to hearing the Gospel (the soul)
-Support the missionary team where good medical care is not available
-Heal because Jesus healed
Which one most resonates with you, and why?

3) If someone told you, “I don’t think we should send medics as missionaries; medical missions is expensive and we need medics here,” what would you say?

4) Does God use illness in our lives? How might it affect our faith?

5) What are the differences between Christian healthcare missionaries and medics from secular ‘sending’ organizations? (ie. purpose, procedure, church involvement, community, patient interaction, etc)

6) Discuss the spiritual component to illness:
Why do you think so many prayer requests are about illness and medical care?
Why do you think there are so many healing miracles in Cambodia?
What does Scripture say about spirits and curses causing some illnesses?

7) What does Scripture say about the church’s role in ministering to the sick? (Matt. 25:31-46; James 5:13-16)

8) How can you minister in illness and healing, even if you have no formal medical training?

Jarrod PuffenbargerComment